Saturday, July 4, 2009

re: don't go to Michael Bay movies or why there is no such thing as an "ironic dollar"

If you feel the need laugh and then cry and then curl into a ball of fear and loathing, read the Storyboards from Michael Bay's The Great Gatsby.

Ok, breathe, it's a joke.

But this is why I won't see Transformers 2. (And why I need to take a firmer stance on what movies I'll pay to see or even see with someone else's dollar.) Because this boat (the boat in this instance being Michael Bay's creative process) is probably real. And there is too much crap and not enough good in popular film, or popular anything, to let this
stuff slide.

Let's be clear: no matter how many times you say you like something ironically or "because it's bad", your money is not
an ironic colour of green. Nobody deposits your intentions.

Your money simply says "this is an acceptable way to approach 'art' and we can continue to do so and profit." (You can expand that to any area of commerce really, but I don't want to get too too pedantic.)

So if you want to go to a movie because you will be entertained, fine and good. But don't qualify it - you are paying for a good and consuming it, end of story. As long as people consume a good it will most likely continue to be produced. THAT'S MONEY SCIENCE.

So, in conclusion,

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