Wednesday, July 23, 2008

re: also awesome

FYI, I add my fave stuff in the re: also awesome section.

while some is intended to demonstrate my intellectual chops, it mostly includes silly, entertaining sites, products, comics, blogs etc. not all of it is particularly serious or deep - but not everything in the world is, okay? okay.

also, if it says explicit or NSFW this usually means it's something I wouldn't want my grandparents knowing I look at such trash. I would take the safe bet and not watch any of the videos if you have taste or are my grandparents (who have taste though the structure of the previous sentence implies otherwise).

Q: why "also awesome?"
A: the implication is that my stuff is awesome and so is this other stuff

Q: why are you all capsless?
A: it's good enough for e.e. cummings, it's good enough for me. plus it probably means I've broken my only rule and I've fired off a something right into the post.

conclusion: it's my body, I do what I want.

most likely, it means I'm breaking my rule and doing a quick statement right into the post box. deal with it.

postscript: how long until these re: titles become pedantic and annoying? only time will tell. I'm guessing 12.


Rob Taylor said...

re: your blog web address...will you be closing this blog down by the end of 2008? will there be a new "nosubject2009" site? will my computer crash during the transition like Y2K?

glad you have a nifty blog. keep it up!

maegant said...

nosubject.blogspot was taken.

I'm thinking this whole thing will eventually move or change once I get savvy so I'm not too worried about it.
