Tuesday, February 24, 2009

re: Web writing on the web - the man pays really well guys

So I'm tempting the corporate gods by posting this but I'm so damn proud of myself.

I don't care that it's not high faluting, and I don't care that it's corporate, and I really don't care if writing for a utility is not your idea of creativity. It takes another type of creativity to do this, think about it like problem solving.

But I wrote something and a major corporation allowed themselves to be associated with it in public. So, pride.

Now I've done a lot for the internal site which is too cool for you guys to see.
But I can show you these sections that I researched and developed and was the main writer for
Careers Main Page
Field Ops, Engineering, Marketing and Relief descriptions
Living in BC

Of course, there was a process that cleans out much of my voice.
That's the corporate voice - master that and you're golden for hire.

And of course, I didn't choose that picture.


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